Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Yesterday was our first day of actual classes. This semester is very different from the summer term in that we are taking four classes at the same time instead of the single week-long marathon classes. It felt like we were on a giant mental treadmill: Lecture, Lab, Clinical...Lecture, Lab Clinical...Lecture, Lab, Clinical over and over again.

But now we actually feel like college students...dashing from one class to another, checking our schedule to make sure we are in the right room, running to the cafe for a quick bite during the 15 minute break between classes. It did bring back lots of fond memories about about my time at Colby. (Except for the semester I had an 8:30AM Statistics class all the way accross campus. That was rough)

But I've noticed some definite changes from my previous academic experience. Most notably is the use of technology. At Colby I went to lecture armed with giant notebooks and a stack of pens so I could furiously write down all the notes from class. And the teachers would either be simply speaking the lecture, pausing occaisionly so we could keep up, or using the GIANT moveable chalk boards with GIANT multicolored pieces of chalk. Remember chalk? Now all the teachers use PowerPoint for the lecture material and we can pre-print the outlines before class and follow along, only needing to jot down an additional talking point. No more hand cramps. I bet the professors can get through a lot more material since they don't waste time writing things out on the blackboard and/or having to wait for the students to catch up.

Another big change is the general student body. Fleen, Mo, Lou - do you remember ever wearing full makeup to classes? Most of the undergrad women I see are attending classes in full makeup and carefully chosen outfits. I was happy if I had brushed my hair and had on somewhat matching clothes. Or am I forgetting? Did we really get dressed up for class? I had that maroon skirt I would sometimes wear, but that was the extent of my fanciness. I saw this one girl who had so much makeup on she could have passed for a drag queen. Is this just a sign of the times?

Oh, and all the students have cell phones plastered to their faces when walking from class to class. I don't remember feeling the need to converse when walking from my Directing class to American Musical Theater.


Lou said...

Oh my God. I don't even wear makeup NOW and I could really use it. I don't remember anyone wearing makeup at Colby. Not to class. Maybe if you really needed a drink and didn't bother to wash your face before the cast party!

Julia and Leora said...

Well, the Tufts students don't seem to care too much about makeup. They seem like the regular pj-saggin, sneakin' cereal box eatin', flipflop wearin' sleepy heads that students always seem to be...

Kathleen said...

I think... I think the getting dressed and Make-up thing might depend on the school and the student body. Because I know some people that did, but I also know it wasn't me.

The tech stuff... the phones, the power point... yeah, that stuff says WE ARE OLD. I was talking to my brother about how I didn't start using email until I got to Colby - he had email in High school. And everyone at his college used cell phones.
Come to think of it. I think PEOPLE, in general, use their cell phones way too much, but that may be just a personal point of view...