Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lab Practicals

Hey all,

So we finally got our internet fixed. Yahoo! So hopefully I can start posting on a more regular schedule. Since we last spoke, I managed to complete my MedSurg Lab, and did quite well on the two skills I had to perform on the lab practical yesterday (Saturday). How evil are they to make us do a lab exam on Saturday morning?! 8:30AM. Blah. (I know for the moms reading this, that 8:30 would be sleeping in:) I just still hate mornings:)

I got a 100% on my blood draw from a central venous catheter. And I remembered to assist Chester Chest (the headless torso nailed to a board) into a supine position with his "head" slightly elevated. I like doing things with central catheters. I find them fascinating that they can stay in your body for years. The Porta-Cath is the coolest. They (i.e. surgeons) place this valve inside your chest that stays in there for up to 10 years. And then if you need to access it, you put a short needle through the skin and subQ tissue that goes through the valve and you have direct access to the veins for blood draws or meds or whatever. Very cool.

I got a 98 on the Nasal Suctioning skill. I forgot to "test the fucntioning of the suction tube with saline water" before sticking up my "patient's" nose. I got all thrown off because I couldn't get my sterile glove on all the way. I never knew this before nursing school, but apparently I have very sweaty hands. And when I am nervous, they get even sweatier. To make matters worse, the room that I was in was approximately 857 million degrees. My poor lab instructor was miserable, cuz she was stuck in there all morning. I only had to suffer for a 1/2 hour. But anyway, if there is any amount of moisture on your hands, it is nearly impossible to put on a sterile glove without contaiminating it. You see, when putting on the glove, you need to pretty much do it with one hand while NOT TOUCHING THE OUTSIDE OF THE GLOVE. Next time you see a rubber glove, try to put it on with one hand without touching the outside. Pretty tricky. So when I had trouble putting my glove on, I got all thrown off and forgot to check the functioning. But as soon I inserted the nasal tube, I remembered the missed step, so I only lost 2 points instead of 5.

Also amusing was that I had a transgendered "patient" for this skill. As soon as we enter the room, we are given a 1 paragraph health history of our patient that we need to scour for clues to figure out what steps we need to take. So my paragraph said something like "Mrs. K has a history of chronic lung disease and has been admitted to the floor for pneumonia, yada yada yada. So I look over and find one of the male dummies in the hospital bed. So I said, "My, Mrs. K has a very short haircut!" And my instructor laughed and said, "Yes, and very manly features!".

Tomorrow I start my Maternity/Child Care lab. I am very much looking forward to this week. And the best part: NO EXAM! YAHOO! I am so excited to just be able to go to class and learn for the sake of learning. No impending exam constantly lurking in the back of your mind. No constant wondering "Is that obscure fact going to be on the exam. We just get to learn. I am absolutely delighted.

So, amazingly and wonderfully, I am DONE WITH EXAMS for the rest of the Summer. . I just have to complete all the skills for maternity lab this week, and then two weeks of clinicals. (mind you this does not mean that we will not be busy. Our clinicals are scheduled from 7AM to 7PM Monday through Saturday for two weeks in a row. Poopy.) But still...NO MORE EXAM until Fall. I am so happy!!!! I am hoping to actually get more than 4 hours a sleep a night! YIPPEE!! So So So Happy!!!!!!!!!

And my mom is doing great!! Thank you for all the postive thoughts you all sent. It meant a lot! And I just have to send a big thank you to my big sister who has been absoltutely amazing to my mom this last week. She was at the hospital throughout the surgery, picked her up from the hospital and has been helping her out all week. She is awesome and I love her and my mom lots.

And other good news: Leora's dog is doing much much better. Last Thursday, she suffered what we think was a stroke. She and Jane rushed her to the animal hospital where they couldn't do a whole lot except give her steroids to reduce any swelling. At first she couldn't really use the left side of her body. When she tried to walk, she would just walk/stumble around in circles. It was so sad and terrifying. But she has been improving steadily all week. This moring I was outside with the dogs and hadn't put Diggory on her lead and one of Julia's friends stopped by. When the car pulled in the drive way, Diggory RAN down the steps to greet her. She RAN. It was amazing! But then I had to scold her for running away, but wanted to praise her for running. So I was like" DIGGORY, NO!!! but good running! that was good! BUT BAD DOG! but you did so good!!!"

So that was more happiness. And now it is late and I must get to bed. Tales from my Maternity lad will come tomorrow!


Kathleen said...

Hooray! No more Tests! No more tests!

Have fun with Maternity Lab Land!

And maybe we think 8:30 is sleeping in, but still, I think we might get more downtime, more snacks, and I can't speak for other moms but my whole life is a clinical. I have no idea what the heck I'm doing.

queenmabby said...

I'm so glad momma Gerry is doing better! yay!

and yay for no more tests!!!!

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