Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Words Words Words

At the beginning of the semester I started a list of "terms that I keep forgetting the meanings of." Following is a small sample from the list that I thought I would share with you all:) Enjoy! ;)

Dysplasia: bizarre cell growth
Dysphagia: Difficulty Swallowing
Dyspepsia: discomfort after eating
Dysarthria: Disturbance in muscular control of speech (ability to comprehend is intact)
Agnosia: Inability to recognize 1 or more subjects previously recognizable
Aphasia: Inability to communicate via speech, writing or signs
Aphonia: Inability to speak
Apraxia: Inability to carry out some motor activities despite intact motor function
Ataxia: Muscular incoordination
Akinesia: muscle weakness, partial loss of muscle movement
Akathisia: restlessness, pacing
cataplexy: sudden loss of muscle tone
echolalia: repeating someone else's words immediately after they speak them
echopraxia: mimicking someone's behavior
anergia: lack of energy
Paresia: motor weakness
paraesthia: numbness or tinging

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