Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel

I am happy to say that for the first time since the start of October, I feel like I can breathe. When we got our syllabi at the stat of the semester, we looked at it and collectively realized that if we could survive October/early November, we would make it through. And I survived. Big Sigh of Relief. Don't get me wrong, things aren't going to be all kittens and rainbows and we have plenty more exams and projects coming up, but I no longer feel the oppressive weight of stress bearing down at me at all times.

Today was my big theory presentation that counts for 30% of our grade. The theory we had to present was Mishel's Theory of Uncertainty in illness. It was very complex and dense and at first made my head hurt when I tried to understand it. Here are our "models" that we came up with to represent the theory. Discuss.


Kathleen said...

Hmmm... before discussing, could we get examples of "Antecedents" or "Probalistic cause" and also all the other terms used? Because examples would help me understand what those words mean. The only thing I understood was "reduce Stress" or maybe it was "Anxiety" or maybe I am making that part up too? The charts both have a lot of words.

Lou said...

Either all my brain cells died when I was pregnant or you are just a goddamn genius. I think it's the latter. And the former. Doh.

Jules said...

What i have discovered about nursing theory is that they like to use lots of big words and convoluted thinking to make really simple concepts VERY confusing. So really, it doesn't matter if you don't know what an antecedent is. And your brain cells are most certainly NOT dead.