Saturday, November 3, 2007

When smart people get tired (and stupid)

Last night at Pedi clinical things were pretty uneventful on the floor. By the end of our shift however, considering it was 10 PM after a very long week, we all got a little slap happy. Of one our classmates taught us that it is fun to add "-pants" to the end of any person's name. Julipants. Fleenipants. Betsypants. Aleepants. Gogopants. Even better is to add "-arannosaurus rex" to the end of any word.

When we finally got off the unit, it took us 20 minutes to actually leave because we couldn't remember what floor in the parking garage we left the car. Cut to a parade of matching blue&white clad nursing students tromping throught the garage single file, our stethoscopes still around our necks: 4th floor. Up the stairs, through the doors, pacing up and down the aisles. Nope. "Was it the 3rd floor?" "No way, we were much higher" Up to the 5th floor, repeat. Back to the 4th floor for a closer look. Pause. Critical thinking used: Was it the sixth floor? Should we walk all the way up there? Should we split up? "No, there is no way I walked down 6 flights. I don't like elevators, but I have my limits." "Was is stolen?" "Are we sure it wasn't the fifth?" Natually it was the 3rd floor which seemed uncomprehensible to us. But alas we found the car and began the long tredge home.


Kathleen said...

I have so been there... minus scrubs and stethascopies. Now, when I can't find my car, I walk around pressing the button that locks the car so I can hear the beep... or press the panic button so the car beeps, and then I follow the sound.

Lou said...

Ha! Fleenipants! I don't feel so weird for adding -head and/or -pot pie to people's names then.

Joan said...

Hi Julie,

I have been there too! Not in the same garage, but in the same situation looking for my car in the Mass Gen. parking garage.

I also have gone looking for my car in the Sears parking lot carrying a baby named Julie, when my car was actually stolen!

Keep up the great work!

Love Mom