Monday, October 29, 2007

A note about HIPAA

You many have noticed that I do not write a whole lot about my clinical experiences other than very vague references. There is a reason for this. No, it is not because nothing ever interesting happpens, nor is it that I don't have time to write about it all. (okay, well maybe the last part is true.) The main reason is because of an excellent law called HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). HIPAA is our friend and is very very important because it protects our privacy, gives us rights to our medical records and helps promote continuity of care. It can be slightly annoying only because it is yet another piece of paper that one has to sign before getting actual treatment.

Just wanted to keep you in the loop!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Isn't that that annoying sheet of paper they make me sign EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to see a doctor, and then they hand me a pamphlet about privacy, and make me take it with them, just so I can add it to the 300 other identical pamphlets I have at home? Just in case?

Anyway, I get you. And as much as I like hearing about YOUR experiences, I don't need to know too many details - I'm squeemish.